Data sources

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Data sources

A data source is a Figma file that has been added to Supernova to be used as a source for your design system content. The Figma file needs to be published as a library. From this source, you can import styles, components, assets and frames. It’s possible to add multiple data sources to one design system.

Data sources can be found in the Data Sources section of Supernova.

A — Data Sources section

A — Data Sources section

Add a data source / add multiple data sources

Add a data source
  1. In the Data Sources section, click New Data Source
  2. If it’s the first data source for your design system, enter a design system name
  3. Enter the URL of the Figma file you would like to add
  4. You can choose whether to enable automatic updates or not. If enabled, Supernova will regularly check for newly published updates in the data source file, and automatically import them.
  5. Select which design system content you want to import
  6. Click Import to complete. You can keep working or go to another part of the platform while your data is importing, and we'll let you know when it's done.


You can repeat this process to add multiple data sources to this design system.

Adding a data source containing a theme

Adding a data source containing a theme

Adding a data source containing a theme

It's also possible to add a data source that contains theme tokens. Theme tokens will be linked to tokens in your design system with matching names, and any extra tokens won't be imported.

If the data source contains theme tokens, you can select which theme you'd like to assign the tokens to.

Updating a data source


If you enabled automatic updates, Supernova will regularly check for changes and update the design system automatically.


You can manually update the design system by clicking the Get All Updates button.

Remove a data source

Unlinking a data source

Unlinking a data source

  1. In the Data Sources section, open the context menu for the relevant data source file
  2. Select Unlink source file from the menu
  3. In the dialog, type UNLINK to confirm
  4. Click Unlink to unlink your file
Removing imported content

Removing imported content

If you unlink a data source file, content imported from the file can no longer be updated. Different types of design system content will be affected in different ways:

  • Tokens created from Figma styles imported from the data source will not be removed, but they can no longer be updated. They will be converted to their raw values.
  • Components imported from the data source will not be removed, but will be unlinked and can no longer be updated. Components created within Supernova will not be affected.
  • Frames imported from the data source used in documentation will not be removed, but will no longer be updated.
  • Assets imported from the data source will be removed from your design system in Supernova and in documentation.