Get updates

Import updates from your data sources when changes are made in the source file.

Data sources

Supernova automatically checks for changes from your design system data source periodically. If you made an update in Figma, and would like to check for changes immediately, or you have autoupdate turned off and would like to update your design system manually, you can also fetch an update on demand.

Latest updates

The Latest Updates column displays the most recently imported changes from your Figma file, including the status of the import, and when the latest updates happened.

Latest updates

Updating a data source

You can enable automatic updates (autoupdate) by turning on the autoupdate toggle button for the relevant data source. You can also enable it by selecting Enable autoupdate in the context menu.

Updating a data source

Updating a data source



If you enabled automatic updates, Supernova will regularly check for changes and update the design system automatically.


You can manually update the design system by clicking the Get All Updates button.

Get updates from a single data source

  1. In the Data Sources section, locate the relevant data source file
  2. Click Get Updates to get updates for this file only
  3. You will be able to view the import summary in the Latest updates section of the table after the import is complete

Get updates from all data sources

  1. In the Design System or Data Sources section, click the Get All Updates button at the top right of the screen. This will get updates from all the data sources you have added to this design system.
  2. You will be able to view the import summary in the Latest Updates section of the data sources table in the Data Sources section after the import is complete.