Custom fonts

Style your documentation with custom fonts.

Common use cases

  • In your Typography design tokens
  • As a custom font family for styling your documentation site

Using Google Fonts

  • Select a font on Google Fonts
  • Add font(s) to your selection
  • Copy the code snippet for embedding your selected font
  • Paste embed code snippet to Documentation Settings → Look & Feel → Custom font embed field

Using custom fonts

If you don't use Google fonts, but you still want to have correct previews of your typography tokens, you need to host your webfont on a public URL. Using Adobe Typekit is also possible.

When you have the webfont URL, open section Look & feel in Settings and insert the code below to the "Custom font – Header" text field. Then republish the documentation and your fonts should have a correct previews.

                                                            <link href="{yourWebfonURL}" rel="stylesheet">