
Display a preview of any external URL.

The link will display the name, description, and image for the URL (when available).

Embed an external URL

  1. Select Link from the block menu
  2. Enter the URL you would like to embed and click Embed
Type /link to add a link block.

Type /link to add a link block.

Live example

  1. To link to a URL, highlight a section of text and click the Link icon in the rich text editing toolbar
  2. Switch to the URL tab and type or paste the URL you would like to use
  3. If you want to open the page in a new tab, turn Open in new tab to ON
  4. Click Confirm to save

In Supernova, you can easily link to another page in the documentation. In the case that a page gets moved or renamed, the link will stay valid.

  1. To link to a page, highlight a section of text and click the Link icon in the rich text editing toolbar
  2. Switch to the Page tab and select the page you would like to use (or type to filter)
  3. If you want to open the page in a new tab, turn Open in new tab to ON
  4. Click Confirm to save
Link to a page

Link to a page