Using brands

A guide to how you can use brands inside your documentation

If you have already enabled your multi-brand design system, and you are using at least two brands, you can decide when to use content from each brand in your documentation. Here are a few ways you can utilise multiple brands in your documentation.

Styling your documentation

Choose the brand you would like to use tokens from to configure styling for your documentation. For example, these tokens can be applied to background or text colors in page headers, or in the exporter configuration as custom properties.

Set the selected brand

  1. Navigate to Documentation settings -> General
  2. Under Selected Brand, select the brand from the list you would like to use

This brand will now be the selected brand for styling, and any token or asset selection dialogs will show content from this brand.

Select brand

Select brand

Showing branded content

Branded content from your design system can be displayed in certain blocks. Each of these blocks can be changed individually to show information from a chosen brand. This brand selector is available for any Token or Asset block.

Add branded tokens to a block

  1. Add a new token block to your documentation
  2. Hover to show the brand selection dropdown
  3. Select the brand from the list you would like to use for this block
  4. Select a token as usual, the token picker will allow you to choose from tokens from the selection brand
Token Brand selection