You can view and manage your team in the Workspace members section under the Team and access section in your Settings. From here, you can invite or remove members, transfer ownership of the workspace to another member, and switch members to different roles.
To read more about managing team members in a design system, see Design system members.
Invite workspace members
Any new members you've invited will receive an email and will show up as 'PENDING' in the list until they've accepted the invitation.
Resend invitation
You can see if a user hasn't accepted their invitation yet — there will be a 'PENDING' label beside their name. If a user is pending but did not receive the email, or you would like to remind them, click Send invitation again in the context menu to email them again.
Change a member's workspace role
There are four roles in Supernova. By default, the person who creates the workspace is an Owner, who has full access to edit the workspace, design systems or team members.
Types of workspace roles in Supernova
Role |
Seat required? |
Permissions |
Owner |
Yes |
An owner can edit any aspect of the workspace or design systems, can delete the workspace, transfer ownership to someone else on the team, and manage billing and accounts. |
Admin |
Yes |
An admin can edit all aspects of the workspace, create new design systems for others to use, and manage billing and accounts. |
Editor |
Yes |
Editors can edit design system content and approve or publish documentation pages, but cannot access workspace or team settings. |
Contributor |
Yes |
Contributors can participate in creation and editing of design system content, but are unable to approve or publish documentation pages, or change workspace or team settings. |
Viewer |
No |
Viewers can see and use design system content, but can’t add or edit existing design system data. |
Billing |
No |
The billing role is restricted to billing-related features only. |
Change workspace role
- In the relevant row in the Workspace members table, hover and click Change role to open a dropdown menu.
- Select the role you want to switch the member to.
- The member's role will be updated.
Change to paid seat

If you're changing a user's role from an unpaid role (i.e. Viewer) to a paid seat (i.e. Editor), we'll let you know that you're adding a new paid seat to your plan, and show you how much extra this will cost.
Once the cost of the new seat is paid, the member's role will be changed and your plan will be updated.
Remove workspace members

- Click ••• in the relevant row in the Workspace members table to open the context menu.
- In the context menu, click Remove from workspace.
- A dialog will open. Click Remove member to confirm.
- The workspace member will be removed and lose access to the workspace and all design systems. If they were in a paid seat, this seat will become empty and can be filled by another user whenever you like.
Transfer workspace ownership
A workspace requires at least one owner, but there can also be multiple owners in a workspace (except on the Free plan).
Transfer ownership to another member:
Transferring ownership of a workspace is not necessary as long as there is another owner present. If you have enough seats available (on a Team or higher plan), you can assign ownership to someone else directly by changing their role to owner.
To transfer to someone outside the current workspace, you need to invite them, and make them an owner after they've accepted the invitation.

If you have no seats available:
- Hover on your row in the Workspace members table and click Transfer membership.
- In the dialog, choose which team member you would like to transfer ownership to.
On a Free plan, only one owner is allowed. To transfer ownership:
- In the workspace members list, find the member you would like to transfer ownership to.
- Click Change role and select Owner.
- A dialog will open requesting confirmation of this change. Your own role will be demoted to Viewer.

Team, Company and Enterprise plans
You have more seats available:
- Assign someone else the owner role directly, and then demote yourself.
You do not have any more seats available:
- Hover over your row and click Transfer ownership.
- Choose a member to transfer ownership to.
Free plan
- Hover over your own row and click Transfer ownership.
- Alternatively, change the role for another user to Owner, and confirm the transfer.
You can only change your own role if you are an Owner or Admin.
If you are an Owner but also the only member of a workspace, your role cannot be changed.
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