Overview of font files
A font source is the source file of a font that is used in your design system. Font files are uploaded to Supernova and automatically grouped by font family.
Supernova supports the following font formats:
The following font formats are currently supported by Supernova:
- Web Open Font Format .woff, .woff2
- TrueType .ttf
- TrueType Collection .ttc
Upload a font
You can upload and manage fonts in the Assets section. You can upload font family files, or single font files.
- For a new font, click the Upload fonts button at the top right corner above the table. Select the desired font from your computer's files.
- To upload a missing font file, click the Upload file button at the end of the relevant row in the Fonts table.
Delete a font

Deleting a font
To delete either a single font or a font family, hover on the relevant row in the Fonts table, and click the trash icon.
Using font sources in tokens

Font files can be used to provide font previews in Font family or Typography tokens. You can see the font preview both in the tokens table, and in the token detail drawer.
When creating Font family or Typography tokens, you can simply select the relevant font in the Value field of the token detail panel.
Upload preview font

Missing preview font
If you have used a custom font in a design token, but haven't yet uploaded the font file to Supernova, the font will show up as missing. You can fix this by simply uploading the font file!