Media and asset blocks

Display images, embed files and videos, and more.

You can embed external content from a public URL in an iframe.

Ref to 1444:34795

Embed Public URL

  1. Select Embed from the block menu.
  2. Enter a public URL and click Embed URL.
  3. Resize the embed block vertically by adjusting the resize handle.
Ref to 1448:35766

Here's a live example:

Common platforms you can embed content from include:

  • CodePen
  • Framer
  • Google Drive
  • Google Maps
  • Miro
  • Tweet
  • Typeform
  • Video


If you want to embed Figma files or YouTube videos, we have blocks specifically for that:


Why didn't my URL didn't work?

The URL entered should not be an iframe code, but the URL to the embeddable content. Please note that it must be a public URL, and that not all URLs are embeddable.

Please note that you cannot interact with the content in the editor, only in published documentation.