You can choose to make certain pages in your documentation private. This means that anyone who wants to see the page will have to sign in before they can access it.
Private pages are marked with lock symbols in the documentation editor and a tag on the page itself.

Make a page private
To make a page private:
- Open the page context menu.
- Select Make page private from the menu.
- Publish your documentation to apply this setting.
- Viewers will now need to log in to view this page.

Make a page public
- Open the page context menu.
- Select Make page public from the menu.
- Publish your documentation to apply this setting.
Make a group private
You can also make a group private. All pages in the group will be made private, including any public pages that are moved into the group in future.
Pages that are moved out of a private group will be made public. You can mark the individual page as private to prevent this if needed.

To make a group private:
- Open the group context menu.
- Select Make group private from the menu.
- Publish your documentation to apply this setting.
- Viewers will now need to log in to view pages in this group.
Make a group public
- Open the group context menu.
- Select Make group public from the menu.
- Publish your documentation to apply this setting.