Using the editor

A quick guide for documenting your design system with Supernova.

You can use Markdown to write and edit your documentation; from adding blocks, to applying styles to text.

One of the major benefits to using Markdown is our Markdown exporter, which allows you to export all of your documentation content into a Markdown definition, that can then be committed to a repository. It’s a quick and easy way of backing up your documentation!

Writing with Markdown

Creating documentation content with Markdown couldn’t be easier. Type one of the following Markdown syntax elements:

At the beginning of a block:


Heading 1 block


Heading 2 block


Heading 3 block

-, +, or *

Bullet list block


Numbered list block. Any other number is viable for further items in the list, but 1. is required to start it.

|, >, or “

Quote block


Code block

To apply different styles to text:

**word** or __word__

Applies bold style to the word


Applies italic style to the word


Applies strikethrough style to the word


Applies inline code to the word.

You can then continue writing your documentation as normal.

Installing the Markdown exporter

You can learn all you need to know installing and using our exporters here: