December 19, 2024
- The number for amount of components is not truncated anymore.
- Fixed the token order not always showing properly in the Collections view.
December 13, 2024
- Token selection dialog now displays collection name for each token. You can also search by it now.
- Shortcut block with no link now displays warning in published docs.
- Improved a responsiveness of Data sources page.
- Long page names are properly truncated in the Add link dialog.
December 11, 2024
- Upgrade from Free plan is now smoother and pre-fills the number of seats to the expected amount during checkout.
- Resolved issue where creating a new design system version turned some pages into drafts.
- Creating a new comment now autofocuses the comment field.
- Clicking on the block menu in the Tab block now selects the inner block properly.
- Improved layout in the Changes tab so that long page names now display properly.
- Pressing Enter at the beginning of a Heading block does not reset formatting to Body text anymore.
- Fixed an issue with expanding parent folders in the Select Figma layers dialog.
- Removed extra space around highlighted text in the search popover in published documentation.
- Resolved some issues with padding in the component detail block.
- Adjusted loading indicators in the Figma component block.
- Fixed some icons not displaying the proper colors.
December 9, 2024
- Fixed an issue where the order of tokens in editor and published docs did not match.
- Add group option no longer appears for tabs.
- It's impossible to move tabbed page/group to itself anymore.
- Styles applied on sections in Figma are now properly imported.
- Figma Variables Sync plugin displays the empty state properly.
- Fixed issues with linking into header links in Tabs blocks.
- Editor role is able to properly delete themes now.
- Fixed the styling issue of links being different in lists and regular text block.
- Design data page is properly responsive.
- Fixed inconsistent link underlines.
- Long property names are properly wrapped.
- Removed the redundant tableHeader column on the Components page.
- Heading anchors now scroll into view even if the tab is not visible.
- Added a safety condition for token rendering in cases where the token linked to a block no longer exists.
- Aligned invitation fields in the invitation dialog with the rest of the UI.
- Adjusted the maximum width of the design system selector.
- Fixed broken token preview tile for letter spacing tokens.
December 4, 2024
- Brand with a very long name no longer breaks the layout.
December 2, 2024
- Reordered Figma components in Canvas variant are now matching the order in the editor.
- The editor width adjusts correctly to the custom content width.
- Fit to content width in Table block accounts also with custom content width.
November 28, 2024
- Pull requests with assets now keep the repository folder 1:1 with your assets in Supernova.
- Shadow token previews now render properly in published docs.
- Guideline block does not render above the rich text editing bar anymore.
- Removing inserted asset no longer breaks reordering in the block.
- Resolved the issue with redirect when removing self from the design system.
- Fixed the rendering of Figma components in the selection dialog.
- Made sure that all token previews in editor always have a proper width.
- Resolved additional issues with Fit to page.
- Made sure that design token detail displays properly even with many properties at once.
- Adjusted duplicate property name error so that it doesn’t display twice and describes the issue properly.
- Resolved a visual issue with error message not disappearing in the onboarding properly.
- Adjusted the copy in dialog when trying to delete account while being a workspace owner.
November 22, 2024
- Resolved an issue with endless loading of onboarding with specific browser security settings on.
- Fixed a vague error message when trying to invite a member who is already a part of the workspace and roles do not match.
November 15, 2024
- Editors and contributors should no longer see an option to enable approval workflow from the Changes tab.
- Added ability to upload multiple font families at once.
November 11, 2024
- Adjusted the publish dialog so that the Cancel button displays properly.
November 7, 2024
- Adjusted logic for Figma embeds in published documentation.
- Resolved incorrect links in Domain settings and Manage privacy settings links.
November 6, 2024
- Resolved a case where going over a certain amount of open threads resulted in comments disappearing.
- Publishing documentation from toasts works again.
- Figma Variables Sync plugin now clears the cache automatically in case you’re no longer authorized.
- Pipelines with the event Source update are now also triggered by reimport from Figma Variables Sync plugin.
- Trying to insert a Figma layer that is no longer present into docs throws a more descriptive error now.
October 31, 2024
We’ve been made aware of the Supply Chain Attack on Lottie npm packages, which we are also using to render Lottie files in deployed documentation sites.
While the surface for this attack is small and owner of the package has fixed it exceptionally quickly, after analysing the LottieFiles incident we are further hardening all docs sites with the following changes to make sure that if another compromised package shows up, there is nothing to attack:
- All deployed documentation sites will from now on only use vetted and used-for-sufficient-amount-of-time versions of external libraries (we’ve done this diligently, but now it is a hard rule), and never the head / latest version.
- We’ve removed a single occurrence of latest version, which potentially enables the supply chain attack.
- We have added library checksums for all externally loaded libraries, making it impossible to load malicious code for the libraries we include.
Additionally, we have fixed:
- React code blocks display the code in published documentation properly.
October 30, 2024
- Resolved a case that resulted in the list of users for tagging in comments not refreshing properly.
October 25, 2024
- Having a theme override with empty string no longer results in the Design tokens page crashing.
October 24, 2024
- Opening a block menu with / and changing the block by using Markdown dismissed the menu properly.
- Resolved an issue that caused properly linked Figma images in blocks to appear as unlinked.
- Only components with variables are expandable.
- Display options in Figma component and Figma component properties blocks are toggled on by default.
October 23, 2024
- Design data with missing authentication does not show MissingIntegrationAccess error anymore and takes you into the authentication window immediately instead.
- Resolved an issue where the documentation block trying to load non-existing content would result in 404.
October 22, 2024
- Token name displays properly in color ramps block now.
October 21, 2024
- Added URL validation into the npm settings.
October 16, 2024
- Text tokens from Tokens Studio are now properly mapped to Generic token category.
- Fixed the issue with Design tokens header not being properly on top.
- Added missing tooltips for shortcuts and Figma frame blocks.
- Adjusted colors in the Ready for review header.
October 10, 2024
- Resolved an issue with synchronising a large amount of tokens through Figma Variables plugin.
October 9, 2024
- Synchronising from Figma Variables does not show Failed to import toast on successful import anymore.
- GitLab groups list is scrollable now.
- Fixed the token reference not displaying as reference in the documentation settings.
- Added a new error state into the Variables plugin instead of infinite loading.
- Changing your name in settings works properly again and is updated right away.
October 3, 2024
- Letter spacing values from Figma designs are now imported as px values.
- SCSS exporter exports linear gradient values properly.
October 2, 2024
- Removing a default Figma component property and creating new one no longer causes issues with assigning a Figma component.
- Pages in the Changes tab do not overflow through the header.
- Creating a divider at the beginning of the text block by writing --- no longer discards the text.
- Table of contents in editor with many items is scrollable now.
- Empty imported read-only token description no longer suggests that the field is editable.
- Updated the Code block description.
- Clicking on the Copy block action shows the extra message.
- Long Figma frame names no longer overlap the description underneath.
- Updated bullet list symbols from • on all nest levels to • → ○ → ■.
September 30, 2024
- Resolved an issue with pages incorrectly staying as drafts even after publishing.
- Missing frame indicator now shows up also in cases when the layer was removed from Figma.
- Page title and page content on published sites are now correctly left-aligned on larger screens.
September 26, 2024
- Resolved the issues with editor component that could result in the editor crashing.
- Table of contents displays in the proper place in editor again.
- Azure & Bitbucket accounts work properly again.
September 24, 2024
- Displayed themes in the token selection dialog are filtered according to the current brand.
September 23, 2024
- Selecting a theme from a different brand in the Design Tokens block works properly now.
September 19, 2024
- Improved the performance for tables containing a large number of rows or columns.
September 17, 2024
- Color contrast formula now uses APCA calculations also in published documentation, making the badges in component table more legible and visually aligned with editor.
- Alt text for images now renders correctly. That makes it much more accessible.
- It is now possible to use identical codenames for themes in separate brands.
- Duration tokens from Tokens Studio import properly now.
- Context menu for imported is not visually broken anymore.
- Links in Callout blocks match the type of the callout instead of being blue all the time.
- Fixed issue when the table content in published documentation got duplicated below the table itself.
September 10, 2024
- Discarding changes no longer removes header from the page description.
September 6, 2024
- Resolved an editor crash in case when invalid Callout block type is present.
September 3, 2024
- Variable token groups now import in the proper order.
- Tokens Studio imports $description value properly now.
- Resolved an issue with Figma Variables import which resulted in being unable to import multiple designs if no collections were selected at first.
- Design system settings are no longer visible to editors and viewers.
- Resolved a rare issue that caused the documentation page to freeze when a tab block layout was changed in specific pages.
- Resolved an issue with t is undefined error that caused the editor to crash.
- Improved how the broken references are displayed.
- Added missing tooltips on the lock page icons.
- Performance in the Select token dialog was highly improved.
- Assets page reloads the content properly after the import is finished.
- Hovering above Figma frame shows you the source file name.
- Changed Storybook & npm to Storybook & React.
- Collections in Figma Variables plugin show their proper state after import goes through right away with no additional delay.
- Viewers do not see CTA button on the empty Versions page.
- Fit to page for the table works properly again.
- Resolved an issue with redundant Reconnect button when reconnecting the Figma file.
- Block actions in the property panel are stick to the panel bottom properly.
- It is now possible to select multiple themes in the token blocks.
August 28, 2024
- CSS exporter does not export numerical values as strings anymore.
- CSS exporter now exports proper HEX alpha values.
August 27, 2024
- SSO-only setting now redirects you directly to your SSO login instead of the Supernova login.
August 26, 2024
- Larger font sizes (50px and more) in Design tokens block are not cut anymore. Instead, the preview container adjust the size so the large preview fits nicely.
- Code custom property display in Design tokens block wraps nicely.
- Grid variant in Design tokens block shows the descriptions.
- Tables block and tables when used in embedded Markdown block now renders consistently even on mobile screens.
- Typography previews now render the correct font, even if it is defined without the spaces in CSS font-family definition.
August 19, 2024
- Fixed padding in tiles layout for rendered Figma images, so images looks much nicer now.
August 15, 2024
- Resolved the issue with using decimal numbers in remaining token types such as typography, borders, border radius, width, duration and other types of tokens.
August 13, 2024
- Decimals can now be used in generic dimension tokens.
- Fixed the issue of published pages being marked incorrectly as drafts.
- Groups that were manually collapsed will stay collapsed until reopened.
- Page URLs will now update automatically when a page is renamed.
- Fixed the issue in a table block where formatting was reset after refreshing a page.
- Fixed redundant white space in the editor for narrow screens.
- Added missing empty state for open comments.
- Tooltips have been added to the left navigation actions in the editor.
- Removed unnecessary pixels from a divider right below the workspace switcher.
- Improved keyboard behavior in the editor — breaking header text with the "return" key will now default to body text.
July 30, 2024
- New content shows up properly when building a new preview.
- Plugin does not select all collections on the first push.
- Resolved proper pushing into brands.
- Pushing empty collection no longer causes the plugin to freeze.
- Resolved more cases where published pages stayed as drafts.
- Fixed Value preview description that was cut too short.
- Draft headers for free plan further improved.
- Discard changes dialog shows the name of the deleted content.
- Resolved issues with some incorrect overlays when dragging blocks in the editor.
- Fixed missing icon in the floating bar when the whole block was selected.
- Resolved a visual issue with duplicated items.
- Headings created with keyboard shortcuts work properly again.
- Further improved the draft header for free users.
July 22, 2024
- Deleting the group deletes its content properly.
- Adjusted the draft header for free plans.
- Image options last state is persistent.
- Unified the selection style for dropdowns.
July 19, 2024
- Copying token blocks with content and pasting them pastes them with the content.
- Shift + click within the text field no longer selects the whole text block, but the proper piece of text.
- Fixed the workflow for failed import during onboarding:
- Error message disappears when you start reimporting.
- Proper loading animation is shown when reimporting.
- Eliminated the duplicate styles error.
- Resolved an issue with improper redirect after deleting the active brand.
- Added some additional performance fixes for the documentation editor with many pages in the hierarchy.
- Pressing Enter in the onboarding text fields no longer causes the page to reload.
- Searching for teammates by Pending status works now.
- Send/Reply buttons in comment popups are displayed properly now.
- Resolving a comment and then discarding a draft afterwards no longer unresolves the comment.
- Resolved some issues with pages incorrectly appearing as drafts after publishing them.
- Documentation settings now use a proper code editor.
- Force-selected items in the difference dialog now contain a proper tooltip.
- Made changes to the bottom navigation — you can get in touch with support right away now!
- Added a tooltip to the Delete icon in the token detail drawer.
July 18, 2024
- Deleted tabs no longer appear in the top navigation.
July 16, 2024
- Resolved an issue that resulted in the inability to create a new pipeline.
- Improved the editor performance, with more improvements coming soon!
- Fixed a typo in the introduction screen.
July 2, 2024
- The order of headings in “Text styles” panel now follows more natural order.
- The Component Health block now displays a better warning if no properties are selected.
June 27, 2024
- Improved the general performance of exporters.
June 26, 2024
- Resolved rare editor crashes when the specific context was missing.
- Editor shows the proper toasts when your connection drops and when you reconnect.
- Clicking on some Upgrade prompts no longer turn the whole Supernova white.
- We added the search field on the team members page, which lets you find your colleagues much faster!
- Turning In-app notifications off does not cause email notifications to be automatically switched to off and turn read-only.
- Resolved the → icon in tabs not disappearing properly in some specific cases.
- Resolved issues with duplicating specific tabs.
- Fixed issues with copying and pasting paragraphs in the editor.
- Inserted frames in docs which are no longer available show the proper icon.
- Deleting the last workspace shows the proper screen now.
- Theme columns in Tokens section now display if their values are coming from a specific data source again.
- Fixed the clicking action on Image options.
June 21, 2024
- Viewers are no longer able to access the list of workspace members.
June 20, 2024
- Resolved issues with Failed to fetch error for specific data in Tokens Studio.
- Improved the overall Tokens Studio import performance.
- We resolved not sending origin properly for some cases in Tokens Studio.
June 17, 2024
- Small frames no longer appear pixelated in published docs.
- Further significantly improved the documentation editor's performance.
- Resolved an issue where the Import summary did not appear when clicked on from specific pages
- Removing a file with assets no longer causes the Assets page to be stuck loading.
- Fixed some actions in the Search menu that were not working for Figma Variables sources
- You can now invite multiple people at once by pasting multiple emails separated with ,, ; or |.
- Creating a new group now properly uncollapses it immediately.
- Resolved the issue with the broken image placeholder not displaying correctly in editor.
- Pipeline creation dialog now pre-fills all fields when possible.
- Popovers near the bottom of the page now appear properly above the cursor.
- Pressing Space with the workspace selector selected now opens the workspace selector properly.
- Clicking on Edit header while in the Comments section now correctly opens the header settings.
- Pressing the up arrow in the / menu in the first block does not make it disappear.
- Long Figma files no longer break Imported label in the Import summary into multiple lines
- Resolved an issue with the incorrect workspace name width in the workspace picker.
- Fixed Settings pages margins.
- The invitation dialog no longer displays the redundant × icon.
- Resolved an issue with an incorrectly disabled Contact us button in one of the settings pages.
- Fixed inconsistent messaging when moving pages, groups, and tabs.
- Updated the information toast that appears after creating a new property.
- Removed the redundant Pause routine from manual build pipelines.
- Changed the + Add page tab to + Add tab.
- Fixed a typo (contract → contrast) in Surface accent color setting.
June 13, 2024
- The versions in the Release notes block now sort correctly based on the proper SemVer sorting.
- Components with a link to a group or page with tabs now correctly link to the associated page.
June 12, 2024
- Resolved an issue where hovering over multiple search results with the same name caused a double hover effect in the Search dialog.
June 11, 2024
- Improved the documentation editor performance when using a lot of Tabs blocks.
June 5, 2024
- Resolved an issue with sureof() value not present error in specific docs pages.
- All items in the documentation page list are indented properly.
June 4, 2024
- Filtering in the Documentation link search has been improved:
- The full hierarchy for matching items is now displayed (not just the direct parent as before)
- Filtering no longer sorts items out.
- The None item is no longer displayed in filtered mode
- Tabbed pages now display tabs during filtering.
- Resolved issues with loading Supernova properly for Billing roles.
- Creating a new page in a group redirects you to the page immediately.
- Creating a new tab redirects you to the tab immediately.
June 3, 2024
- It is no longer possible to have empty color value in Select custom property options.
May 30, 2024
- URL in the editor now contains the proper page URL.
- The exact page URL is now displayed in the address bar when using the editor.
- Reordering token groups works properly again.
- We improved the responsiveness of header images.
- The Figma image selection dialog now remembers the last data source you had selected.
- Selected tokens and token groups now show in the property panel.
- Copying and pasting in lists does not break their formatting.
- Reordering tabs by dragging them to their new position in the top menu works properly now.
- We resolved issue where typing / didn’t trigger the block selection dialog as it should.
- We fixed the styling in the Delete page confirmation dialog.
- Tabs now have Move up and Move down options in the left menu.
- Clicking on Update settings in IP allowlisting works properly.
May 23, 2024
- Created pipelines are filtered according to design system and brand, and no longer display all pipelines at once.
- We improved how missing integrations are displayed when a Figma file connection is lost.
- Copy and paste preserves formatting properly now.
- Reconnect options now only show for the connection’s owner.
- We fixed any incorrect page landmarks to improve screen-reader experience.
- We added missing underline styling to all in-content links.
- We’ve improved scrolling functionality when your table of contents contain a lot of page headings.
- We fixed an edge case that caused an incorrect active heading in the table of contents when using a Tabs block.
May 22, 2024
- You can duplicate pages, groups, and tabbed pages again!
- Deleting a user account no longer throws a visual error and redirects you properly out of Supernova.
- Linking to the /signup login page shows the proper Sign Up page now.
- Theme tokens imported through the CLI are linked to the theme columns properly again.
- The CLI now contains a new keepManualTokens flag that does not remove Supernova tokens when syncing.
- We’ve improved the rendering of Storybook canvases in the Storybook block.
- The editor no longer has a fixed width, and the header button adjusts to the width of your browser properly.
- Search for the Documentation page property now displays parent pages/groups of the found item.
- Scroll icons are now shown for items in the top hierarchy as well.
- The import summary shows you a proper help page instead of placeholder.
- Selecting text and pressing Ctrl/Cmd + X no longer cuts the whole block, but only the selected text.
- Changing the block style of the last item in the list no longer results in a crash.
- Setting header to 0 no longer shows tiny 0 next to it.
- Dragging a page into the group no longer results in the slider appearing in the left menu briefly.
- Displaying a shadow value dropdown in the shadow token detail does not reset the opacity value anymore.
- The page at the top of a group no longer displays Move up, and the page at the bottom no longer displays Move down.
- Certain sizes of table blocks no longer result in changing the editor content width slightly.
- Clicking on Add tab no longer highlights the block above.
- We’ve improved visual issues in header settings.
- Adding 1. into the header no longer changes it to a numbered list.
- We’ve improved the speed of animations for the multiplayer.
May 13, 2024
- Fixed an issue that caused renaming the tab in the Tabs block on a new page to crash.
May 10, 2024
- Adding a theme override for an imported token works properly now.
- We’ve improved the way authentication works.
- We’ve resolved a rare configuration issue that resulted in code in the React code block not displaying in published docs.
May 9, 2024
- When you have more tabs than can fit on the screen, you'll now notice arrow icons that facilitate easier scrolling through them.
- The version description now displays and behaves correctly on smaller screens.
May 2, 2024
- Changing the page name through the Rename option works properly.
- Frames in the Image blocks now render in the proper size.
- NPM packages use a proper format validation.
- Email field in the invitation dialogs now trims the extra spaces at the end of an email address.
- Shortcuts with no links yet show a missing link icon.
- Selected items in the selection dialogs no longer have checkmarks that appear as read-only.
- Pasting text into the editor does not create new lines.
- Versions with long, multi-line descriptions display properly now.
- Copying and pasting descriptions from blocks works properly now.
- Block preview when dragging the block displays properly under the cursor.
- Clicking on + to add a new page no longer collapses the group.
- Removing the page header name returns the header into an Untitled page page properly again.
- Clicking on the collapsed page with tabs selects the first page.
- The order of custom properties in the token and component details matches the order on their respective pages.
- Default token values now display proper values instead of null.
- Figma component custom property can be deleted now.
- Type in the shadow token drawer is not split into two lines anymore.
- It is now possible to move blocks within Tabs blocks.
- Texts in tables have rich text editing bar displayed now as well.
- Error toasts related to the version creation issues display the proper error messages.
- Placeholder text in the first block does not show unless it’s actively selected.
- Renamed the + Add tab in the hierarchy to + Add for the less confusion.
- Typing while having cursor hovered on the left menu no longer creates a temporary text field there.
- Resolved a rare issue that caused blocks with other users present to jump slightly from time to time.
April 25, 2024
- Editing custom properties on imported tokens works again.
- Token detail shows the proper theme override values.
- Resolved an issue that resulted in the frame set as background to not appear in the right panel.
- It is now possible to set basic color values with color names, such as RED, WHITE and similar.
- Writing the color HEX value manually no longer results in a crash.
- We resolved an issue where frames in the Image block rendered in double size.
- Token selection for token blocks now only shows themes from the actively selected brand.
- It is now possible to link to H4 and H5 headers as well.
April 22, 2024
- Pipelines are now triggered properly after creating a new version.
- Azure private access tokens are properly verified now.
- The list of available headers in shortcuts is refreshed properly when adding a new one.
- It’s no longer possible to delete imported tokens through the token detail drawer.
- It’s possible to change text style through the block property panel for the Tabs block again.
- It’s now possible to drag a block in the editor all the way to the bottom.
- The search dialog is no longer dismissed right away when no results are displayed.
- Deleting the page you’re currently in no longer results in a temporary 404 error.
- The documentation editor now displays Figma badges on Figma images.
- We resolved an issue that resulted in Figma images added as headers not appearing in the right panel.
- Shortcut blocks now display the correct number of columns in published docs again.
- It is now possible to copy and paste Figma layer titles and descriptions.
- List items can be reordered within lists again.
- Editor roles no longer see the Private npm registry tab in the documentation settings (which is only available to Admins and Owners).
- Version descriptions with multiple lines display properly now.
- Team plan users have the correct pipeline limit again.
- There is no extra line between image and text in table block cells.
- We resolved an issue with the React code block that displayed “Invalid left-hand side in assignment” error message.
- Asset descriptions no longer disappear when adding another asset to the list.
- Frames in Figma image blocks render in their proper size now.
- The Figma image block, when using the Border variant and and image background, renders properly.
- We resolved an issue that caused the inability to delete a design system with assets.
- We no longer display a warning icon when the header height is not set.
- Shadow opacity tokens are no longer ignored during export/import from Tokens Studio.
- We resolved an issue that caused Figma Variables import to create a custom property with invalid values.
- We fixed spacing for private access tokens.
- We fixed a layout issue on the Versions page.
April 16, 2024
- We resolved multiple issues related to creating versions.
- Editing shortcut blocks with links works properly.
April 15, 2024
- Header background images display properly in published docs again.
April 10, 2024
- Frames with variants display both the name of the frame and the variant.
- Edited page descriptions are properly pushed into published documentation now.
- Frames in published documentation render in their proper size.
- It’s now possible to ungroup a nested group.
- The component checklist block displays component descriptions properly.
- The Move to group dropdown does not show the currently selected group any more.
- Tabs stay properly aligned with the header and content on smaller screens.
April 4, 2024
- The names of Figma layers (when unedited) now show properly in published docs.
- Release notes are displaying properly in published documentation again.
- Logging out while having multiple tabs open no longer shows an error on other tabs.
- Descriptions of previous versions now show properly in the versions list.
- The rich text editing bar no longer shows on non-text blocks.
- Deleting a whole group while having some of its pages open no longer results in a 404 error.
- The search function when selecting components in the component drawer works properly again.
- It’s no longer possible to edit brands on published versions.
- The frame selection dialog shows the file refresh option properly now.
- We’ve resolved an issue where going into hibernation on Windows caused the app to crash.
- We’ve improved general error handling across the whole app.
- It’s now easier to drag the page in your editor to the bottom of the page list.
- We resolved a rare issue that resulted in the inability to select a custom documentation exporter in settings.
- Trying to access a URL that doesn’t exist now leads to a proper 404 page.
- Page tabs are now aligned properly on medium-sized screens.
- Reference badges in design token details are not clipped any more.
- Alpha sliders inside color selectors are working properly again.
- The success toast that pops up when you’ve changed a team member’s role displays their name correctly.
- A brand selector containing many brands wraps properly, and lets you scroll as expected.
- Figma image items now have the Open layer in Figma option.
- Successful save toast no longer appears after every keystroke in documentation settings.
- Improved the design of ‘No versions yet’ graphics.
April 2, 2024
- We have resolved an issue that resulted in the inability to create a new version of your design system.
March 28, 2024
- Trying to importing Figma file without / at the end of the file ID no longer fails.
March 19, 2024
- Clicking on Open layer in Figma directly opens the actual layer in Figma, instead of just the Figma file itself.
March 13, 2024
- Assets display properly in the published documentation and documentation previews.
- Links with Open in new tab enabled are published properly and take users to a new tab when clicked.
- Some links in our docs were redirecting to the wrong places — we fixed this!
- We improved the font weights import logic, so both numerical and string font weight values are displayed properly.
- If you update your frames in Figma and import these changes, embedded frames in blocks now re-render immediately.
- We fixed the components table, so it adjusts to your browser window properly.
- It is now possible to edit scopes properly on Free plans.
- We resolved an issue where importing specific token values resulted in Tokens Studio imports failing.
- Pasting text over text no longer creates additional lines.
- Cutting and pasting text into the Code block works properly now.
- The list of workspaces and design systems in the Search dialog is now sorted alphabetically.
- We adjusted the size of the No properties text (which displays when you delete all custom properties) in the token detail drawer.
- Creating a divider in your docs page and pressing delete no longer converts the divider into a text block.
- Storybook blocks display properly in published docs again.
- An invalid package.json no longer causes an error in the editor.
- We resolved an issue where typing in page header field caused the cursor to jump to the end of the text.
- We resolved issues with copying and pasting between our editor and other editors.
- Supernova properly loads the last visited workspace and design system again.
- Figma image and Assets blocks display proper variants in the block property panel again.
- Dropping an image into the editor content now uploads the image properly.
- We resolved issues with copying and pasting text between tabs and table cells.
- We made sure that toasts are always clickable.
- Removing a link from the Storybook block now shows the proper empty state for the block.
- You can now freely move between content (documentation title, description and page text) with your keyboard arrows.
- Typography token previews in the selection dialog display properly now.
- Icons in custom documentation blocks are aligned properly.
- Custom documentation blocks do not display as double nested anymore.
- We added a note to specific blocks to let you know that they’ll display differently in published docs.
- The amount of columns in block is visually updated properly every time.
- The current group is no longer missing in the Move to group dropdown.
- Documentation remembers collapsed/uncollapsed states properly now.
- The table context menu always stays in the correct place.
- We fixed an issue where drag preview was not appearing properly for specific blocks.
- The editor does not jump up and down when clicking on specific places within it.
- It’s now possible to reorder header rows and columns in the table blocks.
- Versions are now sorted properly in the version list.
- Pasting a text to a list block no longer breaks it into multiple lists.
- The component list in the component drawer appears with no delay.
March 7, 2024
- Page header style settings on tabs are properly applied in your documentation.
- It is now possible to upload .svg files as your site header.
- Child frames can now be selected properly when adding Figma images to your documentation.
March 6, 2024
- Icons in custom blocks now display properly in the block selector.
March 4, 2024
- Brand selector in the documentation settings isn’t displayed if your design system only has one brand.
- We’ve renamed Open in new window in links to Open in new tab to avoid any confusion.
March 1, 2024
- Resolved specific issues with private npm and CodeSandbox.
- It’s now possible to view integrations.
- Resolved an issue which resulted in Failed to construct URL error - invalid url error when trying to access specific documentation pages.
- Upgrade banners are now displayed properly, and shown everywhere they need to be.
- Pull requests now use relative paths properly.
- We have resolved a visual issue where newly created workspaces didn’t recognise the owner properly, and settings couldn’t be opened unless you refreshed the page.
February 29, 2024
- Going to /signup page no longer displays a Server Component error.
- Edit header is now in the correct layer and displays properly on smaller screens.
- The Publish button in documentation is now in a more distinctive color.
- Multiple images in tables display properly now.
- Editor and header are now both the correct width.
- Shortcuts in block actions display properly.