Scopes support for Figma variables

This version was released on November 7, 2024.

We’re excited to share that our Figma Variables Sync plugin just got even better! We’ve added a new setting that lets you assign token types based on the scope of your variables.

Plugin settings - Assign to scope

Assign token types based on number and string variable scopes

Now when you import Figma variables as design tokens using our plugin, Supernova will automatically detect appropriate design token types based on the scopes of Figma variables, ensuring correct classification of number and string variables.

Tokens - Scope to token type

Mapping scopes to design token types

If variable has a unique scope selected in Figma, it will be assigned to the corresponding token type in Supernova.

If variable has more than one scope selected in Figma, it will be treated as a generic (string or dimension) token in Supernova.

Variable type in Figma

Unique scope in Figma

Token type in Supernova

Color variable


Color token

String variable


Generic string token


Text content

Generic string token


Font family

Font family


Font weight or style

Font weight

Number variable


Generic dimension token


Corner radius

Border radius


Width and height






Text content

Generic string



Border width


Layer opacity




Generic dimension


Font weight

Generic dimension


Font size

Font size


Line height

Line height


Letter spacing

Letter spacing


Paragraph spacing

Paragraph spacing


Paragraph indent

Generic dimension

Boolean variable


Not imported to Supernova


To set up a variable scope in Figma, open the Scope tab in the variable Details, and use the checkboxes to select where you want the variable to be available.

For a list of smaller improvements and bug fixes, visit our Bug fixes page here: