Invite only design systems

Limit design system access to invited team members only.


This version was released on October 9, 2024.

Invite only design systems

Control which users can access your design system, tailored for enterprise needs.
Plan: Enterprise

With the new invite only feature for design systems, you can now control exactly who has access to your content, giving you greater flexibility and privacy. This feature is ideal for workspaces with more than one design system.

DS Members
With invite only design systems, you can:
  • Create private design systems that can only be accessed by invitation.
  • Maintain oversight of who can edit or contribute by separating users into specific design system teams.
Creating an invite only design system.

Creating an invite only design system.

A design system can now have one of the following access settings:

  • Everyone at workspace (open)
    All workspace members will automatically be added to this design system.
  • Invite only (closed)
    This design system can only be seen or accessed by invitation.

New pages in settings

Design systems

You can now view a list of all design systems in a workspace, and quickly access their members and settings.

View a list of design systems.

View a list of design systems.

Design system members

You will now be able to view a list of all members of a design system. This page replaces Workspace members for non-admin users.

From here, you can add existing workspace members, or invite new users to this workspace and design system.

DS Members

New contributor role

Plan: All

We’ve introduced a new role! The contributor role has almost the same permissions as an editor, but they cannot approve pages for publish or publish documentation. This role requires a paid seat in the workspace.

Contributor role

You can use this role for someone who contributes to documentation, but you want to keep publishing limited.

For a list of smaller improvements and bug fixes, visit our Bug fixes page here:

As always, if you have any questions or feedback, you can reach out to the team at any time.