Open a pull request

Learn how to open a pull request in a code pipeline.

Supernova will open a new or append an existing pull request in GitHub on a branch called supernova/[exporter name]. Make sure there are no conflicting branch names before running the build.

New pipeline - Connect GitHub

You will first need to authenticate with your GitHub account to allow Supernova to open a pull request on your behalf. You have two options for authentication:

  1. Sign in to GitHub with OAuth.
  2. Use a GitHub personal access token.

You can learn how to authenticate your GitHub account in Integrations.

New pipeline - GitHub cond. input
Once you have authenticated:
  1. When creating a pipeline, select Open GitHub pull request as the delivery method.
  2. Select where you would like to open the pull request. Choose the connection (OAuth or personal access token), an organization, project, repository, branch, and optionally a relative path.
  3. Click Create pipeline.

Configuration options

  • Connection — The authentication method you would like to use for this hook (OAuth or personal access token).
  • Organization — Your GitHub organization.
  • Repository — The GitHub repository you would like to use.
  • Branch — The branch where the pull request will be opened.
  • Relative path (optional) — Path relative to the repository root to which code will be exported.

We will open a new or append an existing pull request on a branch called supernova/[exporter-name]. Make sure there are no conflicting branch names before running the build.