
Text can be edited the same as in any most other editing tools.

Text blocks are created by simply typing in a new row in the documentation editor. There are multiple types of styles that text blocks can have for different purposes.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque dignissim augue ac erat interdum, aliquam hendrerit felis ornare. Sed eget lectus tincidunt, varius augue sed, auctor magna. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent ultricies, leo sed placerat semper, nisl tellus rhoncus metus, nec viverra justo mauris at magna. In euismod, nisl vel auctor feugiat, nibh velit imperdiet orci, non dignissim lacus velit nec orci. Maecenas a scelerisque nisl. Fusce id odio ultrices, euismod metus vel, laoreet est. Nunc cursus erat quis risus mollis, at rutrum augue tristique.

Rich editing shortcuts

cmd or ctrl + b


This is bold text.

cmd or ctrl + i


This is italic text.

cmd or ctrl + shift + s


This is strikethrough text.

See all shortcuts

Click to type anywhere, or type /text or /p to add a text block.

Click to type anywhere, or type /text or /p to add a text block.

Inline links

An inline link can be used to add links to text in your documentation.

  1. To link to a URL, highlight a section of text and click the Link icon in the rich text editing toolbar
  2. Switch to the URL tab and type or paste the URL you would like to use
  3. If you want to open the page in a new tab, turn Open in new tab to ON
  4. Click Confirm to save
Link to a URL

Link to a URL

In Supernova, you can easily link to another page in the documentation. In the case that a page gets moved or renamed, the link will stay valid.

  1. To link to a page, highlight a section of text and click the Link icon in the rich text editing toolbar
  2. Switch to the Page tab and select the page you would like to use (or type to filter)
  3. If you want to open the page in a new tab, turn Open in new tab to ON
  4. Click Confirm to save
Link to a page

Link to a page


How text blocks are styled in the published documentation is determined by the documentation exporter.

See Custom properties for more details.