To launch the global command menu, click Search in the left navigation panel, or type command-K or ctrl-K on your keyboard.
The command menu dialog will open, and you can browse or search through all the quick commands available.
Currently, you can use the following commands:
Search tokens… |
Search tokens in your design system by name, description, or group. |
Create a new token |
Creates a new token. |
Go to tokens |
Instantly takes you to the tokens page. |
Go to token category… |
Instantly takes you to a token category page, e.g. color tokens. |
Search components… |
Search components in your design system by name or description. |
Create a new component |
Creates a new component. |
Go to components |
Instantly takes you to the components page. |
Go to assets |
Instantly takes you to the assets page. |
Design data
Go to Figma design data |
Instantly takes you to the Figma design data page. |
Refresh all Figma design data |
Imports updates from all connected Figma files. |
Refresh Figma design data… |
Imports updates from an individual connected Figma file that you can select. |
Open connected Figma file… |
Opens an individual connected Figma file that you can select. |
Design integrations
Manage Figma Variables Sync integration |
Instantly takes you to the Figma Variables Sync plugin page. |
Install Figma Variables Sync plugin |
Instantly takes you to the Figma Variables Sync plugin page on Figma so you can install it. |
Manage Tokens Studio tokens integration |
Instantly takes you to the Figma Variables Sync plugin page. |
Go to documentation |
Instantly takes you to the documentation editor. |
Search documentation pages… |
Search pages in your documentation by title or keyword. |
Publish documentation |
Instantly publishes your documentation. |
Build documentation preview |
Instantly builds a private preview of your documentation site. |
Manage documentation settings |
Instantly takes you to your documentation settings page. |
Go to code automation pipelines |
Instantly takes you to the pipelines page. |
Create a new code automation pipeline |
Creates a new pipeline. |
Go to asset exporters |
Instantly takes you to the asset exporters page. |
Go to token exporters |
Instantly takes you to the token exporters page. |
Go to brands |
Instantly takes you to the brands page. |
Switch brand... |
Switches to a brand of your selection. |
Go to versions |
Instantly takes you to the versions page. |
Switch version... |
Switches to a version of your selection. |
Design systems
Design system settings |
Instantly takes you to your design system settings. |
Manage fonts |
Instantly takes you to the fonts page. |
Switch design system... |
Switches to a design system of your selection. |
Switch workspace... |
Instantly takes you to your design system settings. |
Workspace settings |
Instantly takes you to your workspace settings. |
Manage team & members |
Instantly takes you to your workspace members page. |
Billing & plan |
Instantly takes you to the billing page. |
Configure IP allowlist |
Instantly takes you to the IP allowlisting page. |
Manage SSO |
Instantly takes you to the SSO page. |
Supernova Slack community |
Join our community on Slack. |
Supernova release notes |
Read our release notes. |
Supernova documentation |
Read our Supernova Learn documentation. |
Contact Supernova sales |
Contact our sales team with any requests or questions. |
Contact Supernova support |
Contact our support team with any issues or questions. |
Manage personal access tokens |
Instantly takes you to the authentication page. |
Go to Supernova developer documentation |
Read our developer documentation. |
Your account |
Instantly takes you to your profile page. |
Toggle sidebar |
Expands and collapses the left navigation panel. |
Give feedback |
Opens our feedback form. |
Sign out |
Signs you out of Supernova. |