Global command menu

Navigate your design system efficiently.

To launch the global command menu, click Search in the left navigation panel, or type command-K or ctrl-K on your keyboard.

The command menu dialog will open, and you can browse or search through all the quick commands available.

Currently, you can use the following commands:


Search tokens…

Search tokens in your design system by name, description, or group.

Create a new token

Creates a new token.

Go to tokens

Instantly takes you to the tokens page.

Go to token category…

Instantly takes you to a token category page, e.g. color tokens.


Search components…

Search components in your design system by name or description.

Create a new component

Creates a new component.

Go to components

Instantly takes you to the components page.


Go to assets

Instantly takes you to the assets page.

Design data

Go to Figma design data

Instantly takes you to the Figma design data page.

Refresh all Figma design data

Imports updates from all connected Figma files.

Refresh Figma design data…

Imports updates from an individual connected Figma file that you can select.

Open connected Figma file…

Opens an individual connected Figma file that you can select.

Design integrations

Manage Figma Variables Sync integration

Instantly takes you to the Figma Variables Sync plugin page.

Install Figma Variables Sync plugin

Instantly takes you to the Figma Variables Sync plugin page on Figma so you can install it.

Manage Tokens Studio tokens integration

Instantly takes you to the Figma Variables Sync plugin page.


Go to documentation

Instantly takes you to the documentation editor.

Search documentation pages…

Search pages in your documentation by title or keyword.

Publish documentation

Instantly publishes your documentation.

Build documentation preview

Instantly builds a private preview of your documentation site.

Manage documentation settings

Instantly takes you to your documentation settings page.


Go to code automation pipelines

Instantly takes you to the pipelines page.

Create a new code automation pipeline

Creates a new pipeline.

Go to asset exporters

Instantly takes you to the asset exporters page.

Go to token exporters

Instantly takes you to the token exporters page.


Go to brands

Instantly takes you to the brands page.

Switch brand...

Switches to a brand of your selection.


Go to versions

Instantly takes you to the versions page.

Switch version...

Switches to a version of your selection.

Design systems

Design system settings

Instantly takes you to your design system settings.

Manage fonts

Instantly takes you to the fonts page.

Switch design system...

Switches to a design system of your selection.


Switch workspace...

Instantly takes you to your design system settings.

Workspace settings

Instantly takes you to your workspace settings.

Manage team & members

Instantly takes you to your workspace members page.

Billing & plan

Instantly takes you to the billing page.

Configure IP allowlist

Instantly takes you to the IP allowlisting page.

Manage SSO

Instantly takes you to the SSO page.


Supernova Slack community

Join our community on Slack.

Supernova release notes

Read our release notes.

Supernova documentation

Read our Supernova Learn documentation.

Contact Supernova sales

Contact our sales team with any requests or questions.

Contact Supernova support

Contact our support team with any issues or questions.


Manage personal access tokens

Instantly takes you to the authentication page.

Go to Supernova developer documentation

Read our developer documentation.


Your account

Instantly takes you to your profile page.


Toggle sidebar

Expands and collapses the left navigation panel.


Give feedback

Opens our feedback form.

Sign out

Signs you out of Supernova.