In a Supernova design system, you can create brands that may share some similar tokens, components or assets, which which could be styled independently.
You can create and manage brands in the Brands section of your design system settings.
Enable multiple brands

Manage brands in your design system.
You can choose which design systems are enabled in your documentation in your Brand settings. This is particularly useful if your company is composed of multiple brands and design systems.
This setting is applied to each individual design system, not your workspace, so to use it in multiple design systems in your workspace, you’ll need to enable it in each design system individually.
To enable multiple brands:
- Beside Enable multiple brands, toggle the switch to Yes.
- In the dropdown, select the design systems from your workspace that you want included.
- Publish your documentation to apply this setting.
- Simply toggle the switch to No to disable it.
Create a new brand

Creating a new brand.
To create a new brand:
- Go to Design System settings → Brands.
- Click New brand.
- Enter a brand name and optional description.
- Click Create brand to finish.
Edit or Delete a brand

Deleting a brand requires confirmation.
To edit the brand details, or delete a brand:
- Hover on the relevant version row, and click ••• to open the context menu.
- Click Edit details to open the Edit brand dialog and make any changes required.
- Click Delete brand to open the delete dialog.
- Type DELETE and click Delete brand to permanently delete this brand from your workspace.