Managing your design system

A place for all of your design system data in Supernova.

New design system

Create a design system in Supernova to manage and document your design tokens, components, and assets.

You can create a new design system, or switch to a different one, from the main navigation in Supernova.

Create a new design system

Role: Admin+
New design system dialog
To create a new design system:
  1. In the top left corner of the screen, click the design system name to open a dropdown menu.
  2. In the design system menu, click + New design system.
  3. Enter a name for the design system, and click Create design system to finish.

All workspace members will be added to this design system by default.

View all design systems

Role: Admin+
Design systems page

In workspace settings, you can view a list of all design systems in a workspace and quickly access their members and settings. If a design system is invite only, you can also add new members from this page.

General design system settings

Role: Admin+
DS Settings / General

Rename your design system

  1. Navigate to the design system settings.
  2. Enter the new name in the Design system name field.
  3. Click Save to finish.

Delete your design system

Role: Admin+
Delete design system dialog
  1. Navigate to the design system settings.
  2. In the Delete design system section, click Delete design system.
  3. In the dialog, type DELETE and click Delete design system to confirm and permanently delete your design system.