Working with tokens

Learn how to create, edit, group and delete your design tokens.

You can edit a token by editing any of its properties. Click on the item in the row to edit the value of a property.

Tokens created manually in Supernova can always be edited. Tokens imported from Figma need to be edited in Figma, then reimported.

Editing tokens

Tokens: Edit token drawer

Edit token name and description

  1. In the tokens table, click on the token you want to delete to open the Token detail drawer.
  2. Click on the token name to edit it in place.
  3. Click Save to finish.

Edit token value

  1. In the tokens table, click on the token you want to delete to open the Token detail drawer.
  2. Click the token value field or dropdown to edit. If you want to edit a theme value, make sure to click the value in the relevant theme column.
  3. Enter or select the new value.
  4. Click Save to finish.

Edit other properties

You can edit most other properties in the token detail drawer.