Working with tokens

Learn how to create, edit, group and delete your design tokens.

Tokens can be organized into groups and subgroups within Supernova.

Token groups: Menu in drawer

Create a new token group

Token groups: New token group
  1. Locate the token you would like to add to a group, and click ••• to open the edit menu.
  2. Select New group.
  3. Enter the group name, and select a parent group if necessary.
  4. Click Create group to finish.

Add or remove tokens from a group

  1. In the Tokens table, locate the token you would like to add to a group, and click ••• to open the context menu.
  2. Click Move to Group > and select a group to add it to, or create a new group.
  3. To remove from a group, click Move to Group > and select No group.
  4. You can also add or remove tokens to or from a group in the Token detail drawer.

Ungroup tokens

Token groups: Context menu
  1. In the Tokens table, click ••• in the group header row to open the context menu.
  2. Select Ungroup from the menu.
  3. In the dialog, click Ungroup to confirm.
  4. Tokens inside this group will be moved back to the default list, and the group will be deleted.

Delete a group

Token groups: Delete group
  1. In the Tokens table, click ••• in the group header row to open the context menu.
  2. Select Delete group from the options.
  3. In the dialog, select the checkbox and click Delete group to confirm.
  4. Tokens inside this group, any subgroups within it, and the group itself will be permanently deleted.