Advanced settings

Customize your documentation site even further.


Multi-design system navigation

Plan: All

If you have mutiple brands enabled in your design system, you can allow your viewers to easily view content from different design systems in your published documentation.

You can choose which design systems can be viewed in your documentation under Multi-design system navigation in your documentation settings.

To set it up:

  1. Go to Documentation > Settings > Advanced and look for the Multi-design system navigation section.
  2. Beside Switch between design systems in documentation, toggle the button to Yes.
  3. In the dropdown, select the design systems from your workspace that you want to enable for viewers to choose between in your documentation.
  4. Publish your documentation to apply this setting.
  5. If you no longer want to the design switcher in your documentation, simply toggle the switch to No again in settings.

All documentation for the design systems you’ve added to the switcher must be published in order to be viewed.

Custom documentation templates

Plan: Company +

Documentation templates are used to style the documentation and how it will render for your readers. You can have full control over every aspect of how you want to render your website using our templating system.

If you have custom documentation templates enabled, you can select which template is active in your Documenation settings.

If you want to enable custom documentation templates, or learn more about them, please contact us.