Domain and privacy

Manage your domain, and who can access your published documentation.

Plan: Company +
Custom domain - enabled

Add a custom domain

Role: Admin+
  1. In your documentation settings, click the Connect a domain button.
  2. Set up a DNS CNAME record pointed at the domain we provided you.
  3. Input your chosen domain name.
  4. Hit Confirm to enable this functionality.
  5. Wait for the SSL certificate to be provisioned on our behalf (Note: this action can take a few seconds).

You can only enable this feature after you published the documentation at least once.

Custom domain - dialog

Set up a DNS CNAME record

In the domain manager of your hosting provider, you’ll first need to create a new record. Usually, you need to input the following information:

Record Type





Your chosen domain (e.g.

(set to default / 1300 seconds)

If the DNS CNAME is set up correctly, the SSL certificate should take a few seconds to be generated and you can check if your documentation is working on your new custom domain.

Confirm if SSL and DNS CNAME are set up correctly

When you've successfully configured your domain, go to your documentation site to test the connection. On the navigation bar of your browser click on the padlock icon next to your website address and check if the connection is secure. You can also check if your address has https:// on the navigation bar.

If the connection is secure and your documentation appears when you navigate to your custom domain, you are all set!

Learn more